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por admin última modificação 22/01/2024 15h12


Unespar’s Master Degree Program in Film and Video Arts has been approved by CAPES in October 2018 and started its activities in 2019. It is a stricto sensu postgraduate program with emphasis in Theories and Processes in Film and Video Arts, which enables research in the field of Arts, taking cinema and/or video as objects of convergence of theoretical-analytical reflections and/or artistic activities. Such researches must start from thoughts and practices established on both cinema and video arts own basis as well as in approximation with other areas of knowledge.


Management:  Beatriz Avila Vasconcelos- ppgcineav@unespar.edu.br 
Telephone: (41) 3121-3590
Secretary:  Marcelo Bourscheidsecretaria.ppgcineav@unespar.edu.br 
Intern: Lidia Maria Antunes da Glória – Lidia.gloria@unespar.edu.br  
LICA (FARL - Film and Audiovisual Research Laboratory)
Coordinators: Eduardo Tulio Baggio e Juslaine de Fátima Abreu Nogueira 
Technical Scholarship Holder: Noah Mancini